Simple ways to use Honey for healthy skin care.


Honey is one of my favourite foods!  I love to put a little honey in my tea, or on toast.  Most people think of honey only as a sweetener, but it's also good for your skin!  Honey is what the beekeepers from @threeforengers refer to as a "living food".  Raw honey which hasn't been pasteurized "contains beneficial enzymes, vitamins, and nutrients, which makes it so good for bees and people".  Here's some of my favourite ways to use honey in my skincare routine. 

Face Mask
Honey is a great addition to any face mask because it's known as a humectant.  A humectant is a substance that attracts moisture (especially to the surface of the skin) and keeps it locked in.  My favourite way to mix up a honey mask is with the Northlore Plains Mud.  This mask (available at Novo for $22) contains activated charcoal and benanite clay making is detoxifying and hydrating.    

Body Scrub
Because honey is loaded with antioxidants and other nutrients, it's not just great for your face.  When mixed with ground oats or baking soda it makes a wonderful body exfoliator!  Exfoiating 2-3 times per week is important to remove dead skin cells, allowing new cells to emerge for a more radiant completion.  

Bath Soak
Want to experience an extra lavish bath soak?  Try mixing and dissolving a heaping tablespoon or two of raw honey in to a small cup of warm water.  Add a few drops of essential oil (such as lavender, ylang ylang, or rose) in the same cup and then add to bath water.  Now all you need to do is sit back and allow your skin to be hydrated and restored from environmental damage.  This is also a great way to nourish cuticles on the hands and feet.    



Comment below and let me know if you've tried incorporating honey into your beauty routine!  What are some of your favourite ways to use honey?